Fluoride Remains Key Component of Oral Hygiene Regimens

Fluoride in Oral Health: A Continued Importance

According to Delta Dental, “While fluoride has taken a hit over the past several years, particularly among individuals desiring a more holistic approach to medical and dental care, it still remains widely used in daily oral health regimens. The recently released 2022 State of America’s Oral Health and Wellness Report, a poll of more than 2,000 Americans conducted by Delta Dental, found that one out of two respondents use fluoride products, and 79% of the parents polled noted fluoride as very important to maintaining their children’s oral health.” “Delta Dental-commissioned research of 2,000+ U.S. adults and parents of children ages 12 and younger illuminate what they thought about their oral health and what they did to properly care for it at home and with their dentist during 2021. While many adults are unaware of how oral health and overall health are connected, most are interested in getting smarter about oral health’s link to better health.”


Machado, K. P. (2022, August 11). Fluoride remains key component of oral hygiene regimens – dimensions of Dental Hygiene: Magazine. Dimensions of Dental Hygiene | Magazine. Retrieved August 12, 2022, from https://dimensionsofdentalhygiene.com/fluoride-remains-key-component-oral-hygiene-regimens/?inf_contact_key=9da23575f5f0d0be889984a1d0a1514b595bc1afdf8fc89706dc8022d918b6bd

December 13, 2024
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