Growth in the Dental Field for Dental Assistants

Dental Assisting Salaries & Growth

From 2018 to 2023, dental assistant salaries have increased astronomically.

According to Indeed, the jobs requiring an EFDA Certification have increase by 1600.00% since 2018.

Dental Assistants with an Expanded Functions Dental Assistant (EFDA) and Dental Radiology Certification earn +7.51% more than the average base salary, which is $19.14 per hour (Dental assistant salary in Florida – indeed 2023).

Dental assistants have also seen a bigger job opportunity with dental offices looking to hire more dental assistants than in previous years.

According to the Dental Assistant National Board, “As of October 2022, research from the American Dental Association Health Policy Institute showed that 36.7% of practices are looking to hire dental assistants”.  With this new information coming forward, the dental field continues to show amazing opportunity, growth and an increase in pay, there is an no better time to join the dental field and become a dental assistant!


Dental assistant salary in Florida – indeed. Dental assistant salary in Florida. (2023, April 7). Retrieved April 13, 2023, from

Wilkes, M. (2022, December 7). 4 things dental assistants can look forward to in 2023. DANB. Retrieved April 13, 2023, from



December 13, 2024
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