How to Register for a Course

Registration Steps

To Register for a Course, you must:

  1. Go to our website  go to “ADD TO CART” across the top of the Home Page. Select the course you want to take,  select to add to cart.
  2. Select “Checkout” and confirm you have the correct course and the correct quantity (1). Enter billing and student information as well as a Username and Password that you will use to log in and out of the course  to access course material and submit your quizzes.
  3. After you enter your payment information and it is processed, the page will automatically refresh and take you to a page to “Pick a Class Date”. On the right side of the page, select the date of the class you want to attend. The class date you select will change to “enrolled” in green.
  4. You can then go to the top of the HOME Page and select “My Courses” and your course will be waiting for you to start.
  5. Select “Start Course” from My Courses and read through the Introduction and follow the instructions to send in any documents needed, you can then continue with the course material. 
  6. You can log in and out as many times as needed to review the material.

** PLEASE NOTE:  Each time you log into your account you must use the Username and Password you set up at Registration  and  go to “My Course” across the top of the Home Page.

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