Dental X-Ray Refresher Course




This course is to refresh the dental assistant on taking dental x-rays by the use of a digital sensor. It is meant to refresh an individual on the proper techniques of taking periapical x-ray films: Bitewings (BWX), Full Mouth Series (FMX) and individual periapicals (PA’s) utilizing a digital sensor. The ideal candidate is a dental assistant that has been out of dentistry and in need or practice or an individual that wants training in digital x-rays.

This is a Hands-On Course with instruction on how to take x-rays on a patient with a narrow palate, tori or a gag reflex.

This course is NOT required as a prerequisite to the Dental Radiology Certification Course if the individual can successfully take periapical dental radiographs. This course is meant as a Refresher Course or training course in digital x-rays.

PLEASE NOTE: This course will NOT provide a Certification in Dental Radiology from the Florida Board of Dentistry and is meant as a refresher prior to the Dental Radiology Certification course or for Dental Assistants or Orthodontic Dental Assistants needing to practice taking PA’s (individual x-rays)


PLEASE NOTE: Once you Register and make your payment you will need to select a CLASS DATE. Once you make your payment is processed you will be redirected to pick a class date. SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM OF THE COURSE PAGE AND SELECT A CLASS DATE TO ENROLL IN.

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