


Is Periodontal Disease Linked to Alzheimers?

According to Tufts Now, “Fusobacterium nucleatum (F. nucleatum) is a common type of bacteria that proliferates in periodontal disease. It affects the gums and jawbone, and if untreated results in unstable teeth and tooth loss. In recent years, F. nucleatum has been linked to conditions ranging from colorectal cancer to premature delivery of babies. Now new research published in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience by Tufts University scientists and colleagues suggests a link between F. nucleatum and Alzheimer’s disease. “In this study, our lab …

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Certifications for Those Considering Careers as Dental Assistants

  The field of dentistry has changed immensely over the course of the last thirty years.  Dentistry is a specified branch of medicine specializing in the preventative care and treatment of conditions, disorders and diseases of the oral cavity. With advancements made across all medical fields in recent years, this branch of medicine is no exception.  An increasing number of conditions and unique needs of dental patients is cropping up, making it necessary to specialize …

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Career Paths for Dental Assistants

It is well established that dental assistance is a career on the rise. Oral health is receiving world-wide recognition, making it more accessible to all and fueling the growth of the industry. More accessible insurance and dental healthcare will result in more patients for dentists, which is why dental assistant jobs will be in abundance. Dentists will need assistants to aide in a diverse assortment of tasks, making dental assistance the perfect entry-level job for …

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