FL Dental X-ray Certification Course completed in 1 Day. Ideal for Dental Assistants moving to Florida or on the job trained. Florida Board of Dentistry Approved Course. Minimum 3 months experience required.
A Florida Dental Radiology Certification will be given upon demonstration of competency in taking Dental X-rays and completion of a written exam with a 75% or better taken on our website.
9:00 am – 11:00pm
Course: Online State Board Exam(s)/Hands-On Clinical Assessment in our facility.
This is a hybrid course with the informational and State Board Exam to be completed online (Part 1) BEFORE attending the clinical hands – on lab portion (Part 2) in person at our facility on the specific date you selected. A Florida Dental Radiology Certification will be given upon demonstration of competency in both the clinical hands-on lab portion of the course and completion of the online State Board Exam with a 75% or better.
The minimum of 3 months of on the job training is required to attend this course as well as being able to take Digital Dental X-rays without instruction in Part 2 of the Course. This is a Certification Course not a Training Course. You are taking Dental X-rays for the instructor and we are “Certifying” that you can do so.
To Attend this Course – an Employment Verification form must be signed by a Licensed Dentist stating you have worked under that dentist for at least a minimum of 3 months of training/supervision and can take Digital Dental X-rays.
Please Note: We are not teaching you how to take Dental X-rays in this Certification Course.
This class is given in a Hybrid/Blended Format. Students must have access to a computer and Internet access to Complete Part 1 of the course, the State Board Exams, and have basic computer knowledge to manuever through the online portion (Part 1) to complete this Course. There is an Introduction Section that will give full details of how to complete Part 1 of the Course online before attending Part 2 of the Course in our Facility for the Clinical Hands – On Portion.
Please Note: There have been reported issues with taking the Online Exams with an Apple Ipad. It is recommended to use Google Chrome browser and an Incognito Window.

This Certification Course has 2 Parts.
Part 1 is the State Board Exam taken online. Online on our website under “My Courses” is all the Dental Radiology study material with 5 Separate Units and a 90 question multiple choice exam at the end.
You can log in and out of the Course as many times as needed to complete and submit your Online Exam.
The State Board Exam must be submitted online at least 3 days before you attend Part 2 of the Certification Course.
Part 2 is the Clinical Hands-On Portion of the Course taken in person at our facility.
Once you register and make payment for a class you immediately have access to PART 1 – the study material and actual state board exam for the course. The study material and exams answers are submitted online. Under “MY COURSES” on the Home page once you are logged into our website.
Part 1 – The State Board Exam is self-paced online. It includes all study material and the written exam for Certification. The exam must be submitted online at least 3 days before you can attend Part 2 of the course, the Clinical Hands-On portion that is given in our facility on the selected class date.
Part 1 is completed online; Part 2 is completed in our Facility on the selected class date.
The actual class date that is selected is the date you come to our facility for Part 2 the “Clinical Hands-On” portion of the course.
Part 2 the “Clinical Hands-On” portion involves taking 8 Digital Dental X-rays (4 BWX, 2 Anterior PA’s, 2 Posterior PA’s) and mounting a Traditional FMX (for the purpose of displaying an understanding of dental anataomy).
Once both Parts of the Course are completed you will receive your Certification(s);
Part 1 – a passing grade of 75% or better on both online State Board Exams and
Part 2 – Taking Digital Dental X-rays and Mounting without instruction in our facility on the selected class date.
You can take the written exam from any device that can access the internet, Google Chrome works best, issues have been reporting with students attempting to take on Exam on an Ipad or Iphone.
The study material is a combination of Powerpoints and PDF documents.
Please Note: There have been reported issues with taking the Online Exams with an Apple Ipad. It is recommended to use Google Chrome browser and an Incognito Window.
Traditional FMX Mounting (for tooth anatomy knowledge)
X-ray Rinn Assembly
Positioning of X-ray Rinns
X-ray Sensor Exposure

Watch all the Digital X-ray and EFDA Procedures that will be completed in Part 2 of the Certification Course on our YouTube Channel – Playlist – EFDA/X-ray Certification Procedures or select the link above to access our YouTube Channel.
Select “Playlists” and “Dental Assistant Clinical Procedures”
Florida does not typically take any other states Dental Assistant Certifications as it does not have “Reciprocity with other states” and Florida will not accept a CDA Certification from DANB.
You can visit the Florida Board of Dentistry Website under Dental Assistant/Expanded Duties FAQs for more information
Our business office must be notified in writing at least 7 days prior to the class start date of Part 2 – the Clinical Hands-on portion in our facility in order to transfer to another class date or a $100 transfer fee will be charged. To receive a refund the business office must be notified in writing and the refund will be based on the Cancellation and Refund Policy listed on your Registration Form you completed online and also listed on our FAQ’s page under Refunds for the 1 Day Courses. All Refunds omit 3.5% transaction charges that student pays when using credit card/ debit card. Please Note: Part 1 and Part 2 of this course must be completed within 90 days of Registration or both Parts will expire.