12 Week Dental Assistant Training Program, attend class 1 day per week. Hands on Training. State Certifications Included – Expanded Functions Dental Assistant Certification and Dental X-ray Certification after 3 months on the job training/Externship.

Dental Assistant Appreciation Week
Orthodontic Dental Assistant Graduation Picture3

Our 12-Week Entry Level Dental Assisting Training Program will provide dental assisting training to students as a pathway to enter the dental profession as an entry-level dental assistant.

We realize that some people learn better from a hands on training approach rather than a lecture approach to education, therefore the Academy for Dental Assistants has developed a curriculum for dental assistant training for this type of learner.

Before a dental assistant can be qualified to work with a dentist, it is important to provide basic dental knowledge to the future dental assistant. This 12 week entry level dental assistant training program teaches students the knowledge and professionalism that it takes to be a part of the dental workforce in this exciting healthcare field. This accelerated course allows an interested student to acquire the basic entry-level dental assisting knowledge to begin their new career in as little as 12 weeks.

Our Florida Dental Assisting School will provide each student with their Expanded Functions Dental Assistant Certification and Dental X-ray Certification upon completion of the Program to become a Florida Dental Assistant.

Dental Assistant EFDA

Step 1: 12-Week Entry Level Dental Assistant Training Program in our Facility 1 Day Per Week
Step 2: 200-Hour Dental Assisting Externship in a Dental Office of your Choice
Step 3: Student Awarded Florida EFDA and Dental X-ray Certifications

State Board Exams and FL Board of Dentistry Certifications are Included in the 12 Week Course at NO Additional Charge.

Please Note: This 12 Week Entry Level Dental Assistant Training Program is an accelerated course that requires a minimum of 8-10 hours a week of Chapter Readings and Homework outside of class.

HOW TO WORK in an actual dental office
HOW TO USE the latest equipment and techniques
HANDS ON TRAINING in dental assisting procedure


Our Program is Approved Providers with the Florida Board of Dentistry 

Dental Assistant Instruction on Transferring Instruments

Both State Certifications Included in Cost of Program

EFDA & X-Ray Certification Included

NO Additional Cost or Courses

Payment Plan available with $600 down and weekly payments of $195 week per week for 12 weeks
(We need not accept FAFSA/Student Loans). 
The image shows a graph of price comparisons between different schools for their tuition cost.

Our business office must be notified in writing 7 days prior to the class start date in order to transfer to another class date with no penalty. If less than 7 days before start of Course a $100 Transfer fee will be charged.

Withdrawing from a Class will follow the refund policy listed in our FAQ’s and on the Enrollment Form. All Refunds will omit 3.5% transaction charges that student pays when using credit card/ debit card.

4995 49th ST N., St. Petersburg, FL 33709

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